Friday, March 12, 2010

Fix-it-friday #3


Edit #1
Levels and curves adjustment.
Dust and scratches: only used a 1.0
Ran the Old west action from PW and adjusted that.
A touch of cropping, and trying to clone the arm? or shirt that was in the way so it would be less distracting.
The little girl has such cute cheeks, lips and eyes and I wanted those not to be hidden by the underexposed photo.
But I wasn't completely set on this photo because the eye colors really seemed off so I did a second edit but just changed the coloring a bit. (edit 2)

Edit #2
I kept all of the edits the same as the first photo except I changed the colors a bit. Reduced the greens so the little girl would stand out more than the background. Boosted the reds a bit.

Edit #3
Levels adjustment, curves and dodged eyes a bit, ran dust and scratches.
Ran PW heartland action. Ran curves again to darken a bit and sharpened slightly.

I do all of my editing in lightroom and cs4. Mostly cs4 this time but edit 2 was done in both.

I hope you like them. It was a bit of a challenge this week but I still had a ton of fun!!

Check out other awesome edits over @ iheartfaces.



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