Thankful Thursday
I'm sorry I missed this day also.
Things I am thankful for this week.
- My mother coming to visit and helping out with Wesley, cooking, cleaning. Shes been a HUGE help, and even though we have our differences (which is a ton and we have a hard time being in the same room for more than a day), I still love her and appreciate everything she has done for us.
- A couple days of warm weather. That gave us opportunities to get some pictures taken, play at the park, take walks, and just being able to get out of the house.
- The friends/family that came to celebrate Wesley's 1st birthday. He loved playing with the kids, playing with his new gifts, and eating yummy cake.
- The new people I've met this week both for business and play & the new kids Wesley met and had fun playing with!
- Family for always being there.
- My husband for being strong through these last few months when he lost his best friend, his dad. For working hard to provide for the family, and working on "us".
- Having a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back.
There are so many things, and I could list a million, but I do want to save some for future weeks!
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