Finding my identity
I have been playing around for quite some time now with different watermarks and couldn't come up with one I really loved. I just want to have something simple for the time being while I figure out my photography brand.
Which I'm actually thinking of changing the name from Color My World Photography & Design to Color My World Studio because when I do get my own domain name typing colormyworldphotographyanddesign is SUPER long and ridiculous, but colormyworldstudio is much better. BUT the .com is taken already. All of the other domains are available. .net, .org, .info but I'm not sure if I want those. .net isn't too bad. But I'm not completely set yet.
What do you like??
I want to get my website up sometime in the next few months because I'm hoping (cross my fingers) that all of the friends that mentioned to me they want photos taken will let me do that. 13 sessions hopefully. That would be great!!
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