Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Logo Prototype

This afternoon I was bored. So I thought I'd try to create a logo. I've worked with illustrator a little bit, but not enough to where I would call myself a graphic artist. I actually would love to take a few classes online from the art institute for graphic design and for photography. Hopefully in the next year or 2 I can atleast be a full time student and graduate from the university.

Anyways this is what I came up with today. I like the font. This is only 1 concept, and I'm sure I can come up with more later on, but I don't want to spend this gorgeous day on the computer. But while my toddler naps I wanted to kill time.

What do you think?? Honest opinion. Suggestions? It's a simple design. I really hate complicated or too many things going on.




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