Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Facebook-Like-You-Back (April 28)

Welcome to Facebook Like-You-Back (the meme formerly known as Fan-You-Back) hosted by Kelly's Lucky You, Coupon Mommy of 3 and Simply Stacie!

Are you looking for new Facebook pages to follow and new friends who like your page? Then join us!

1. Add your Facebook page to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all)

2. Click on the Facebook link for the three hostesses and "like" them on Facebook. Leave a comment on their wall and they will fan-you-back.

3. Like as many more Facebook pages as you want, leaving comments with links so they'll know where to like-you-back.

Add your link!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PW Photo Challenge - Landscapes

Another photo challenge from the Pioneer Woman. This time its Landscapes. While my selection is limited, I was able to find this gorgeous photo I took while we were visiting maui hawaii 3 years ago.

Yes the photo isn't the best because at the time I only had my handy dandy p&s!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday Follow - Join in on the fun!

First ever Friday Follow.

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Jenilee and I'm a photographer (in the making). I have a love/hate relationship with where I'm living (Wyoming). Just a couple days ago it was gorgeous short weather...but today its been snowing non-stop and now all of the roads in all directions are closed. YEP gotta love it.

So this is my blog. All about my photography..the Wyoming beauty (at times), my little 1 year old son who I love capturing, photo editing, and anything else I can think of that I want to blog about.

If you really want to get to know me and my family, head on over to The holbert household blog, OR if you want to get to know Wesley even more head on over to HIS blog, All About Wesley...

I will also be doing more giveaways of my art prints and photo sessions (if your a local or nearby) so please keep in touch! I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wyoming Wednesday - The moon

Ok so this photo can really be taken anywhere, not just Wyoming but I was bored, and took a picture of the moon with my 50mm. Definitely not the best photo because its not a telephoto lens, but I kind of like it. Being able to see the moon at 5p on a beautiful day.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Toddler Tuesday - Shorts Weather

*A couple days late*
Finally a day where we can go on a bike ride, wear shorts and be comfortable!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Giveaway Winners!!


  • I will be in touch with the winners. Please respond within 48hrs to claim your prize.
Thank you so much for everyone who entered.
For all of you that did not win I am giving an extra discount!!


  • $5/off art prints.(8x10 art print normally $20) NOW ONLY $15
  • Free photo session with 15% off total print purchase!!
Please contact me if you interested in a photo session or would like to purchase one of my art prints!


Fix-it-friday #6

Last week we had a break. It was nice to step away from the computer for awhile, but I'm glad to be back editing photos again!

Here is the Original

Edit 1
First I went into lightroom and adjusted the white balance, and exposure. Then went into photoshop cs4 and dodged and burned the eyes, ran coffeeshops baby powder skin action, and touched up all the necessary areas, then added a bit of warmth, cuves, color balance, and then ran pioneer womans sharpen this action and sharpened her eyes.
Cropped to a 5x7.

Edit 2 - 70s Vintage
Ran pioneer womans seventies action. Adjusted opacity

Edit 3 - Heartland
Ran pioneer womans heartland action.
Bumped the curves for more contrast.

Edit 4 - B&W
Ran TRA bitchin b&w action. Adjusted curves.

I had a lot of fun doing this yesterday!I love her eyes. Shes such a gorgeous girl! Hope you like them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You Capture - Fresh

This weeks theme at You Capture is fresh. Fresh can mean a lot of things.

.....To me fresh is taking a nice bath..getting all clean.

....Fresh is also waking up in the morning...with snow on the ground and a deer watching you

.....And of course freshly painted toenails =)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Business cards

My business cards are here!
What do you think? Next time I'm going to make them 2 sided.


Toddler Tuesday - Peek a boo

It wasn't all peek a boo. It was more like uh oh am I in trouble for pulling some of the blinds off?
Sweet...evil boy =) And hes all mine :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Logo Prototype #2

A new logo prototype. It matches my business cards. I designed it myself. I wanted simple. This seems simple enough.

I'm thinking I might want to change the white box around the colors to be a little thicker, or just not there at all. Maybe changing the colors a little to be brighter. The green more yellow, and the blue-green a bit more blue, and the red a bit brighter red.

What do you think? Suggestions?
Logo prototype

Macro eyelashes

Pioneer Woman sometimes has photography assignments where you can win a really awesome prize! There are literally thousands of photos entered and no, my photos haven't been selected yet but I'm not giving up hope!

Her current theme is Macro. Well I don't have a macro lens yet, but I do have the 50mm 1.8 and I use that and a zoom lens I have to get "macro."

Here is one of my entries. It hasn't been picked. But thats ok because I still love it.

Check out the pioneer woman flickr group to see all the other amazing photos and to enter your own!

I love Wesley's eyelashes. They are so long and perfect.
perfect eyelashes

Cloth diapers revealed

I finally did it. It took me forever because I like to procrastinate but the cloth diaper order is in!
Someone on etsy talked about green mountain diapers. I have no idea who they were or what they offered so I checked them out.

I wanted to start with prefolds and this was the perfect site to go to. They're prices are great, and they show a lot of photos of what the diapers look like on the babies which was super helpful!

Now it did take me a couple hrs to decide what I wanted to order because I was looking on etsy and amazon, nurtured family, etc to compare prices. I was on a budget. I knew going green wasn't going to be cheap but I knew I didn't have to spend $300-$400 either since Wesley was already 1 and doesn't use as many diapers as a newborn would.

So I ordered 15 prefolds because that gives me a couple days in between washing. And I really hate to do laundry so this is going to motivate me to do it frequently. And we always have a ton of laundry at our house anyways!!

For the covers I had to decide which was going to be the best for me. I didn't need something super heavy and wanted a cover that was easy to wipe so I could reuse it.

I picked the Lite wrap. I got retro and farm animal.

And I wanted to make sure I had extra coverage at night for Wesley. So I ordered up a dozen preemie prefolds to use as doublers.

And I can't forget the handy snappi to keep the diaper on. I got the package of 3 which included 2 white and 1 mint.

So there ya have it!! My first cloth diaper order. I plan on getting a couple all in one, & one size pockets also to try. But that will be for another post later on....

Do you use cloth diapers?? What kinds do you have? Pros, cons?

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's a blog party + a GIVEAWAY!!!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

This is the first time I'm joining the blog party and I'm super excited to introduce myself and meet a ton of other bloggers!!

My name is Jenilee.

This is my son Wesley. He just turned 1 in March.
Playing outside

This is my husband Kyle and Wesley @ the pool.

And I can't forget our border collie, Cleatus. We adopted him from a rescue in Saratoga, WY. We've had him 2 months and love him very much. He was abused which is something we are working on everyday to get him comfortable with us.

I live in Laramie, Wyoming. We get snow 8 or more months out of the year. This last year it snowed in August and September!!
I have a passion for photography. I have loved it longer than I can remember but just until my wedding in 2009 (which the photographer completely bombed and did the worst job ever) and after numerous people have told me that I would make a great photographer did I actually think that would be something I could actually accomplish. Photography is art. I have been in love with art since I was little. I always knew I would incorporate art into a career one way or another and I'm so happy that photography has found a HUGE home in my heart, mind, and as a creative outlet.
I currently attend the University of Wyoming where I'm majoring in Graphic Design. I have many many years left because I have been on and off since 2007 and have not gone fulltime at all since I started. And after having my son in 2009 I took a couple semesters off. But my #1 goal is to graduate from college!! I will do it and I know I can do it. The journey has not been easy at all so far but when I do accomplish this I will be very proud of myself!!

*Biggest loser fan*
*I hate wyoming weather and wish I lived somewhere warm*
*Favorite fast food is in-n-out burger.
*I'm obsessed with blogging*
*I met my husband on myspace*
*I have lived in every time zone and of both coasts (California, Maine, Iowa, Illinois, and Wyoming)

My other blogs!! Show them some love too please =)

Keep in touch with me!

BTW: I am also giving away a prize of my own!!!
(I missed the deadline to enter on the partyblog)

The Prize:
  • A free photo session with me, at the location of your choice, within a 100 mile radius of 82070. AND For all you out of towners I will also be in the Tucson, AZ area June 25th & June 26th, the Sedona, AZ area June 27th - July 3rd, and the Clovis, NM area July 4th - July 6th!
  • $100 print credit (photos your choice!) AND a mini accordian book of your favorite photos from the session!!!
This is valued at over $130!

And if you don't live near by you still can win something!!!
1 Nature 8x10 art print.
(you choose the photo)

Here is an example.
There are many others to choose from.
"Snowy Mountains in Wyoming"
June 2008

If you are interested in winning this prize here are the rules:

You must do either Entry 1 or entry 2 FIRST.
  • Entry 1) Become a facebook fan OR follow me on twitter OR subscribe to my BLOG via RSS or EMAIL and then leave a comment letting me which one you did! If you are already a fan AWESOME! Just leave a comment letting me know that!
(if the links don't work please let me know so i can try to fix it.)
I also have buttons at the top of my page that have the links as well that I know do work.

  • Entry 2) Check out my work on my blog or portfolio and leave a comment and let me know which photos you like best!

and thats it!! 2 things!
For more than 1 chance to win please leave separate comments for each entry!

For additional entries:

  • Share this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, twitter or another social networking site of your choosing and leave a comment with the link!
  • Invite atleast 10 friends to become fans of my facebook page.
  • E-mail friends about this giveaway.
  • Subscribe via a reader
  • Subscribe via email
  • Follow me on twitter
  • Fan me on facebook
  • Be a friend on Myspace:

Choosing the Winner
  • **On April 17th when the blog party is over I will announce the winner!! Please enter before April 16th 11:59pm.
  • Winner will be selected via
  • Winners will be notified via email, facebook, blog (whichever I have access to). Please respond within 48 hrs or I will have to pick a new winner. Thanks!**


List of prizes I would like to win.

Top 4 gifts I would love to win are
1) 39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.

2) 56 – 12″ x 24″ Custom, hand~painted gallery style canvas for baby nursery or kid’s room {to be coordinated with winner’s bedding/decor} for one winner.

3) USC 15 – $50 Target gift card to one winner.

4) 95 – $100 Gift Certificate to – Choose from over 13,000 restaurants nationwide – redeem online and print your gift certificate(s).

Other prizes I'd love to win include:
#11, #14, #15, #23, #32, #40, #49, #61, #71, #72, #73, #74, #83, #112, #113
USC3, USC4, USC 8, USC13, USC14, USC15, USC17, USC21, USC25, USC32, USC33, USC35, USC37, USC39, USC43, USC 60

But winning any prize would be absolutely amazing!!!

Thanks for stopping by and learning a little bit more about me!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mystery Monday - perfect skin tutorial

Since I forgot to post mystery monday on monday here is the delayed post. I decided to edit a really ugly photo of myself and show you a step by step tutorial on what I did to make it look better.

I chose this picture because
1) I wanted to show you the things I've been learning recently as far as editing techniques go. and
2) That this is what I look like without make up, a close up to see all the imperfections, but its a real photo and this is me so I shouldn't be ashamed.

Here is the original

As you can see all of my pores are visible, I have some stuff on my lips, and have some blemishes, and my eyebrows need trimmed.


Step 1
Here I ran the perfect skin action from coffeeshop.
What I really like about this action is it gives me the flexibility to edit it myself and its not already done for you. This lets me touch up the parts I need to.
So for this first step I used the eyedropper tool and picked a nice area of my skin and then clicked it. Then I got a brush tool and set the opacity down to about 20% and brushed over my skin.

Step 2
For this next step I used the same brush and made sure the color was set to white and then brushed over my skin to make it smooth and adjusted the opactity of the layer as needed.

Step 3
I finished the action, brushing a glow on my skin and skipped the lightening the skin because it was already light. I touched up my eyes and lightened them a bit, used the patch tool to get rid of ugly blemishes, the stuff on my lips, and to erase some of the unibrow eyebrow hairs.

Step 4
I then decided to boost my eyes a bit more and to warm the photo up. I ran the warming action and reduced the opacity down to about 30%. To boost the color in my eyes I used a quick mask and selected just the eyes, added that to a new layer and then used color balance to adjust as needed.
So the photo is pretty much done now. And it looks so much better than the original.

But I decided that I wanted to run the 70s action from pioneer woman. I adjusted the opacity of the layer a bit.

And then ran the vintage action from pioneer woman and adjusted the vignette layer opacity.

I also use cs4 for all of my editing.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Toddler Tuesday #4

My son turned 1 last month and I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos from the session. I obviously didn't take the one of myself, a photographer friend of mine Lauren did. I took the rest. Aren't his blue eyes breath taking? They are so dreamy. =)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fix-it-friday #5

What a darling little girl. Here are my fix its for this week. Hope you like them! Will post instructions on what I did tomorrow. Well its already tomorrow so after I get up! =P


Edit #1 - color pop
fif-5-color pop

Edit #2 - 70's faded

Edit #3 - heartland

Edit #4 - B&W

Thursday, April 1, 2010

You Capture - Feet

This week at ishouldbefoldinglaundry is toes. I love kids toes, especially soft, yummy, baby ones.


Wyoming Wednesday #3

Yes ok I know I'm behind AGAIN. I get so involved in everything else I just forget. Well I had pizza & a movie with kyle last night so I didn't stay up any later to blog. And today was the perfect day to be inside because after the 50 degree weather, this is what I woke up to. Isn't it lovely?

wyoming wednesday #3


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