Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fix-it-friday #1

I know its Saturday but I haven't had a chance to upload these until now.
This is my first fix it friday. This is a great opportunity to work on editing skills and learning new things!

Here is the original photo.

First edit
In photoshop
Doubled the layer and upped the curves for the face.
Erased the over exposed areas.
Copied the background layer again and then set it to overlay and brought down the curves to bring out the blueness of the sky.
Added a bit of texture
Unsharp mask on just the little girl layer a bit.
Added pioneer womans 70s action, but turned the opacity down to about 40%
enhanced the eyes with dodge & burn

Second edit
Same edits as first but went into lightroom and added the golden sun preset and adjusted a bit.
Also smoothed her skin and removed the blemishes from the elbows to make her look even more beautiful :)

I can completely feel the warmness of the sun in the last photo.
Hope you like them!

Check out the rest of the amazing edits over at iheartfaces

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Capture - Kisses


This weeks theme from i should be folding laundry was Kisses. Wesley giving himself kisses while peeking at me. SOO cute. I love little baby kisses. They are the best.

Monday, February 22, 2010

iheartfaces *hands on fun* photo challenge.

I found this amazing blog i♥faces.
I am super excited because this is my first photo challenge and this will be something I look forward to participating in weekly!! This weeks challenge is "hands on fun." Check out the other peoples photos! They are amazing =). Here is my entry:

The hands of the doctor delivering one of lifes most precious gifts. Words cannot express the emotions during this time. PRICELESS.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New session specials!!

 New Session Specials

  • Are you expecting to have a child sometime this year?
  • Newly engaged or planning to have a summer/fall wedding?
  • Ready to update your family photos?
  • Trying to build your modeling portfolio?
  • Needing professional headshots for your business?
  • Graduating in 2010 or 2011 from high school? or college?
  • Or just want to have new photos of yourself, children, pets, etc?

If you answered yes to any one of these questions you are in the right spot!
Let me help you and you will be helping me! Help me to build a stronger portfolio, and only buy what you absolutely love.

Here is what I am offering.

  • Free pre-session consultation
  • Free sessions (any location)
  • No minimum purchase 
  • Only buy the photos you absolutely love*
*Hi-res digital files or prints (professional prints) - 4x6's, 5x7's, 8x10's, and sheets of wallets (8) starting at $10
*Other sizes available as well

You don't pay a penny until you see your photos. No catches!

I don't want you to think I am just a "cheap photographer" because I am not. It is more than money, it is a passion and a love for what I do. When I am looking through the lens I am looking at a piece of art and want to bring out a unique and different point of view. These are memories that last a lifetime and I want you to be happy and love the moments I am capturing.

Check my website, this blog and facebook page for some of my work.

I hope to be the one to create these lifetime moments for you. Call or email for more information or to book a session.

Jenilee Holbert

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yay or Nay??

I took this of Wesley recently and was playing around in photoshop and lightroom and love making the eyes "pop" in a photo. I am completely amazed and the sharpness and light that a lot of photographers bring to their images, and even though this is only with a P&S camera I tried my best to bring that out. I hate my camera. I am so excited to be getting a real dslr camera in a couple weeks. I NEED it to practice practice practice everything, especially shooting without a flash and getting amazing photos. That is something I have not been able to master. And the camera I have now does have manual mode, but the focus is not good, and every photo of my baby is always blurry or noisy. I'm not even sure where to start to get good photos with the p&S.
Well heres the photo. Any tips or suggestions would be great!

P.S I thought about changing the name instead of Color my World Photography & Design to my name. I still feel that the colors represent me so I kept them that way. I'm still working on the design for the watermark/logo, but this is something I whipped up in a few min for now. 
What do you think? Yes for new name, or keep the old one.


Things have been slow...Classes started back up. I'm taking digital media which involves a lot of illustrator projects that I'm excited to be working on. I wanted to share my first project. Re-creating a photograph into a vector image using shapes. It took a long time for me to do. And it definitely wasn't easy. What do you think?? Suggestions?


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